
Chika 先生のプロフィール

Chika 先生
  • 出身国籍日本
講師名 Chika 先生
日本語以外のレッスン できる
自己紹介 はじめまして。


映画(エイガ)を観(み)たり旅行(りょこう)をしたりヨガ を することが 趣味(しゅみ)です。

日本語(にほんご)が わからなくても 大丈夫(だいじょう)ですよ。


一緒(いっしょ)に 日本語(にほんご)でお話(はなし)をしましょう。

Hello, Everyone.(こんにちは) I’m Chika ( ちかです)
I am an enthusiastic, easy-going, understanding, and amicable person.

In my free time, I love doing yoga, watching Netflix, traveling abroad and exploring something new.

I am passionate about learning English. I always enjoy meeting new people from different nationalities and sharing experiences from the learning journey.

But it’s not always smooth sailing. I completely understand how challenging to learn a new language, especially Japanese.

Are you still struggling with communicating with Japanese?

Let’s break out of our comfort zone together with me.
Come and share with me about your life, jobs, and hobbies through the power of communication.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes and asking any questions!!!!

I'm not a certificated Japanese teacher but I’m enthusiastic about teaching Japanese.
I used to teach Japanese to immigrants such as Filipinos, Thai, and Vietnamese at local community centers and work in a Japanese language school before.

Regardless of teaching experiences, I’m interested in the process of and passionate about teaching as a teacher.
I aim for creating a relaxing environment and making the process of learning enjoyable as much as I can.
Don’t worry. If you are a complete beginner student, I’ll willing to support you in English. Let's chat with me and enjoy the learning journey to achieve your goal together.

My lessons mainly focus on conversation practice.
You can improve your speaking skills efficiently without grammar knowledge.

First of all, We are going to make the best sentences for you like self-introduction, job, hobbies, activities, future plans, and daily kinds of stuff related to your personal lifestyle.

Second, we are going to practice how to react and question with Japanese nicely sounds like native Japanese speakers.

Lastly, we are going to do role play based on the sentences we learned in each lesson.
When you continue my lessons regularly, you will be able to carry on the conversation more naturally with native Japanese speakers.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in my class.

経歴・資格 TOEIC 860
TOEIC Speaking and Writing 150/160

Chika 先生のスケジュール

  • 時刻はすべて日本の現地時間で表示しています。海外在住の方はご注意ください
  • 時刻は24時間表記です。(例 09:00→午前9時 21:00→午後9時)
  • 予約は講座開始2時間前までであれば受け付け可能です。
  • キャンセルは24時間前まで受け付け可能です。

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Chika 先生のクチコミ

  • Chika先生のレッスンは、とても分かりやすく楽しいです。 分からない事を質問すると的確に答えてくれるので、その後はパーフェクトな文章を作ることができました。 最初のレッスンは自分の実力から始まりました。毎回のレッスンではいつも新しい事を覚えられます。時間を無駄にしていると感じたことはありません。 今、Chika先生の教え方でJLPTのN4の試験をパスできると信じています。 いつもありがとうございます。